Guru Nanak Food Pantry Inc

Renovations in Progress

Expenditure Report until 05/24/2024


New Roof………………………………………………………………   $9500.00

Basement Masonry work inside/out.-Maso………………… $6900.00 (Labor)

Home Depot & Lowes Building Matl, Supplies…………….  $6269.86

(Includes Concrete from Tilcon for Basement floor)

Town Permits…………………………………………………………   $1253.32

Basement Bilco Door, 4 Windows & Weather Strip Kit….  $1452.49

Electric, Water, Sewer Line activation……………………….    $6516.00

Cleaning……………………………………………………………….   $600.00

Two Beams……………………………………………………………. $914.00



Total………………$33,804.67. (Spent So far)


Estimated Expenses for interior Renovations & Siding:

$80,000 to $100,000 (Remaining Renovations to be Completed)

(Includes Plumbing, Insulation, Flooring, Stairs, Electrical Wiring, HVAC Etc.)

Let us together raise funds (If Possible).

Once this structure is fully renovated, Second Floor will be utilized for various needed purposes:

  1. Sunday Preventive Health Clinic (By Volunteer Doctors) 
  2. Career Counseling & Open Discussions with youth (By Community Professionals)
  3. Seminars on diverse topics
  4. Versatile uses on need bases.

This Structure (When Fully Renovated) Shall be more than a Food Pantry

Town of Hamden (Zoning) has been very lenient with our organization but softly they have been reminding us (on various occasions) to take care of this structure. In as is condition it was an EYE SOAR in the neighborhood. How could we plan extension to our existing Gurdwara Sahib unless we take care of this. The idea of using this structure for Food Pantry for all faiths has been accepted by the town very positively. The funds raised for Guru Jee’s New Darbar Hall morally cannot be used for this renovations. Sangat donated Building Funds for  Guru Jee’s New Darbar Hall. So those funds $192,000 are in a separate bank (Webster) – Mostly in CD (s) dedicated for existing Gurdwara sahib extension project.

Let us together plan creative ways to raise further funds to complete the remaining renovations: For Example:

  1. Organize fund raising gatherings at home.
  2. Motivate friends & relatives to join hands with this NOBLE CAUSE: GURU NANAK FOOD PANTRY INC
  3. Spread the word. (Unseen, untold is unsold)
  4. By placing donation collection boxes and displays at various businesses owned by our community.
  5. Any other creativity ideas – (God has blessed us all with CREATIVITY)

Please click here to donate via PayPal